Here's the formula for converting American (or Brown and Sharpe) wire gauge to millimeters:
dn = 0.005 mm x 25.4 x 92 36-n/39
With this formula, you can convert a wire gauge size to the diameter of the wire in millimeters. The dn is the diameter of the wire in millimeters, as you might have guessed, and the n in the exponent is the gauge of the wire you wish to find the diameter of.
Wikipedia has a fine article on this. They have the formula for converting wire gauge to diameter as well as one for calculating cross-sectional area. They also explain where the formula comes from, if you're interested. The formula for converting from diameter to the wire gauge, the inverse of this formula, is also listed, as is a chart. A link is provided for you convenience. Another link is also provided to an online calculator that will let you just put in a diameter or a wire gauge and will do all the work for you. (Note that this calculator works in inches and not millimeters, so you'll have to make a conversion.)
Improved Answer By Sandip Vikma :"Above original formula is difficult to calculate. So, you may use bellow derived formula to convert Gauge into MM".
dn = 0.127 x 92 [0.9230769-0.025641026n]
dn = Thickness in MM.
n = Thickness in Gauge.
AWG is American Wire Gauge. Just as you would convert inches to any metric value you can follow the same process for wire gauge. Example: AWG 14 gauge wire is 0.0641 if you were to convert this to metric you would use 25.40 which is a conversion number for inches to mm. therefore 25.40 x 0.0641 = 1.628mm rounded would be 1.63mm
convert 100 millimeters to meters
A scientist is working with 10 meters of gold wire. How long is the wire in millimeters
First, convert inches to centimeters. One inch is equivalent to 2.5 centimeters. Then, convert to millimeters- one centimeter is ten millimeters.
406.4 millimeters
12.5 gauge smooth wire typically has a diameter of about 0.099 inches or 2.52 millimeters.
28-gauge wire typically has a thickness of about 0.32 millimeters or 0.0126 inches.
A 9-gauge wire typically has a diameter of about 0.114 inches or 2.906 millimeters.
8 Gauge wire mesh typically has a thickness of about 0.162 inches or 4.1 millimeters.
it is a very toughComplete ListSWGDia(mm)SWGDia(mm)SWGDia(mm)SWGDia(mm)17.6200142.0320270.4166400.121927.0104151.8288280.3759410.111836.4008161.6256290.3454420.101645.8928171.4224300.3150430.091455.3848181.2192310.2946440.081364.8768191.0160320.2743450.071174.4704200.9144330.2540460.061084.0640210.8128340.2337470.058093.6576220.7112350.2134480.0406103.2512230.6096360.1930490.0305112.9464240.5588370.1727500.0254122.6416250.5080380.1524132.2368260.4572390.1321
Wire size refers to the physical dimensions of a wire, usually expressed in millimeters or inches. Gauge size, on the other hand, is a measurement of the wire's diameter based on a specific gauge system (such as AWG or SWG). So, while wire size refers to the actual physical dimensions, gauge size is a standardized measurement used for electrical wiring.
A 23 gauge wire has a diameter of about 0.0226 inches or 0.573 millimeters. It is commonly used in electronics for connecting components on circuit boards or in arts and crafts for various projects.
I've never seen a table of direct conversions but I've included tables of wire gauge in millimeters and needle size in millimeters. They aren't exact matches, but you may find matches that are close enough for your purposes.
Well there actually is no such thing as an ear gauge. However there is such a thing as a jewellery gauge which is the thickness of the of the jewellery based on either Millimeters or AWG (American Wire Gauge as used in the professional body piercing industry.
20 SWG (Standard Wire Gauge) corresponds to a thickness of approximately 0.036 inch or 0.91 millimeters.
The recommended gauge of wire to use for a 12 or 14 gauge wire is typically 10 gauge wire.
Copper wire gauge sizes are not equivalent to aluminum wire gauge sizes. The gauge sizes for copper and aluminum wires are different due to their differing electrical conductivity properties. It is not possible to directly convert a copper wire size to an equivalent aluminum wire size.