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use a ruler

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Q: How do I make a rectangle equally as when I'm making a door?
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How can you make a rectangle?

You can make a rectangle by using two squares

Can 4 triangles make a rectangle?

Yes, Four Triangles make a rectangle.

What shape can you make out of a rectangle?

A train but with a big rectangle.

How do you maximize the area given the perimeter?

In the case of a rectangle, you would maximize the area given the perimeter by making the dimensions equal. In other words, you would make the rectangle into a square. However, to truly maximize the area, you would make the perimeter a perfect circle.

Why is a square a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square?

a rectangle doesn't have four equal sided measurements, which is the definition of a square. also it can take one or more squares to make a rectangle but u can't make a rectangle into a square.

Why is a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square?

a rectangle doesn't have four equal sided measurements, which is the definition of a square. also it can take one or more squares to make a rectangle but u can't make a rectangle into a square.

How do you make a rectangle with tangrams?

see the link - there is a picture of a tangram rectangle

What numbers of tiles can only make one rectangle?

Two tiles can only make one rectangle.

What number of tiles will make a rectangle that is 2 tiles wide and will make a rectangle that is 4 tiles wide?


Can you make a square that is not a rectangle?


How can making rectangles from units help define and identify prime and composite numbers?

If you can make more than one rectangle, it's a composite number. If you can only make one, it's prime.

How is making rectangles from square tiles help you define and identify prime numbers and composite?

If you can only make one rectangle, your number's prime. If you can make more than one, it's composite.