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Q: How do a person take over a dormant account and how step by step are they processed?
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What is a dormant checking account?

A dormant checking account is a bank account that has had no customer-initiated activity or transactions over a specified period of time. The account is essentially inactive and may have restrictions, such as higher fees or limited access. To reactivate a dormant checking account, the account holder typically needs to contact the bank and provide necessary identification and updates.

Who is dormant stakeholder?

A dormant stakeholder, is a person or body corporate who takes nothing at all to do with the company that they have a share (stake) in over a long period of time. It is similar to a 'silent partner' in a business.

Roll over your Ira Traditional to another bank?

Yes you can as long as the account at the bank is an alike IRA account...would be processed as a transferred or 60 day rollover (if done as dist. from IRA)

How does a seed becomes dormant?

A flower seed becomes dormant over the passage of time. Flower seeds that sit over a long time and becomes dried out and shriveled, it will cease to be effective and will turn dormant.

Can a person who has power of attorney over a trust account change that account into a joint account?

no In order to change the account you must be the Grantor of the Trust.

How does a flower seed become dormant?

A flower seed becomes dormant over the passage of time. Flower seeds that sit over a long time and becomes dried out and shriveled, it will cease to be effective and will turn dormant.

Can you deposit someone else's check in your account?

You can deposit someone else's check in your account if they sign it over to you. They need to endorse it over to the person they wish to have it and sign underneath.

Can you deposit your check in someone Else's account?

You can deposit someone else's check in your account if they sign it over to you. They need to endorse it over to the person they wish to have it and sign underneath.

Does anyone have a unwant neopets account?

You can't decide to take over another person's account.Its considered account sharing and you could get your account frozen.If you want another account the best thing to do is make a side account.

What stage is paricutin in?

Paricutin is in the dormant stage. It erupted in 1943 and had several eruptions over the next 9 years. The last eruption was in 1952. It is now dormant.

What exactly are internet merchant accounts?

An internet merchant account allows for transactions on online retailer websites. They are processed in real time, similar to punching in transactions to a terminal in a store or over the phone.

When a print job is processed over the internet or intranet must be installed and running in windows server?

when a print job is processed over the internet or an intranet