You make you're calculations using has many (or more) significant figures as requested without any further considerations until you get to the final result... You reduce the final results significant figures to the requested one or add zeros at the end to match it if it is an exact result
3 significant figures.
5 significant figures.
when you do not have all the figures
6040 has 3 significant figures.
addition multiplication division subtraction
You make you're calculations using has many (or more) significant figures as requested without any further considerations until you get to the final result... You reduce the final results significant figures to the requested one or add zeros at the end to match it if it is an exact result
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
The answer depends on what operations were used. There should normally not be more significant figures in the answer than in any of the numbers used in the calculation.
you must know the correct amount of significant figures to round to because it will allow you to eliminate "insignificant" figures, which will shorten things up a bit when recording scientific information involving such figures.
Standard Rounding: 3450 3500 4000 Algebraic Rounding: 3450 3400 3000
4 significant figures.
There are 4 significant figures in 0.0032. Seems to be only 2 significant figures in this number.
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.
There are four significant figures in 0.1111.
3 significant figures.