Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
Turn it over so that instead of the numbers going up from left to right (or bottom to top), they go up from right to left (or top to bottom).
The bottom of a bucket has one corner. This is the corner where the flat bottom part of the bucket meets the side and rises up, it is curved around in a circle and is the only corner in a bucket's bottom.
The bottom number in a fraction (the denominator) Tells you how many pieces A whole is cut up into.
It is best to start at the bottom and work up.
From the Bottom Up was created on 1995-01-10.
To complete level 52 do the followed moves : Right - Right - Bottom - Left - Up - Up - Left - Bottom - Bottom Left - Up - Right - Bottom - Left -Bottom - Right - and...... UP ! Nice you did it ! there's maybe a quiker solution but this one works ^^ Good day
The bottom-up model postulates a unidirectional influence from lower to higher trophic levels.
Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
If you lay up under the engine in your truck and look up at the bottom of the engine. You will be looking at the oil pan. It bolts to the bottom of the engine and has a plug are bolt in the bottom of it.
Bottom-up Processing
He looked up from the bottom of the ladder to see where he had to climb to.
You pick up the zinc and get a magnet and hang it over the bottom dross!!! You pick up the zinc and get a magnet and hang it over the bottom dross!!!
Most programmers would agree that a bottom-up approach is best.
This is an old adage and it means Drink up, refering to tipping the drinking vessel so that the base or bottom can be seen.