5% is basically 5/100 which is equivalent to 0.05 To calculate 5% of 5 you must multiply 0.05 with 5. This will get you your answer.
To calculate a five percent increase, multiply the value by 1.05. For example, adding 5 perccent to £10.00 gives 10 x 1.05 = £10.50.
Simply divide by 5 ! 20% is one fifth.
Draw a flow chart to calculate simple interest with 10% rate if time is greater than 2 yrs otherwise calculate simple interest with 5%.
not by asking it here! Percent means hundredths. You calculate (5/100) x 30,000, or equivalently, 0.05 x 30,000.
1 cent=1 percent. 5 cents=5 percent, etc.
the answer is nine thousand
10% 0.5/5 = 10/100
Multiply .05*9000 Answer:450
To calculate a five percent increase, multiply the value by 1.05. For example, adding 5 perccent to £10.00 gives 10 x 1.05 = £10.50.
To calculate a five percent increase, multiply the value by 1.05. For example, adding 5 perccent to £10.00 gives 10 x 1.05 = £10.50.
To calculate a five percent increase, multiply the value by 1.05. For example, adding 5 perccent to £10.00 gives 10 x 1.05 = £10.50.
To calculate 5% of 18,000, you can multiply 18,000 by 0.05 (which represents 5% as a decimal). This calculation results in 900. Therefore, 5% of 18,000 is 900.
To calculate 5 percent of 1350, you simply multiply 1350 by 0.05 (which is 5 percent as a decimal). This calculation would result in 67.5. Therefore, 5 percent of 1350 is 67.5.
Well, darling, 5 percent of 720 is 36. So, if you were looking to calculate that, there you have it. Hope that helps, sugar!