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You need three things:

m = mass of the object (in kilograms)

g = gravitational acceleration constant (usually 9.8 m/s^2)

h = height of the object, usually from the ground (in meters)

The gravitational potential energy are these three values multiplied together:

PE = m • g • h

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Q: How do calculate gravitational potential energy of an object before it is dropped?
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Who invented universal gravitational constant?

Nobody invented it. The gravitational constant was there - long before the first human being walked on this planet.

How to calculate Risk probability?

"Risk probability" does not quite make sense, perhaps you mean just how to calculate risk. There are many formulas and methods, a lot of them highly complex mathematical models. Risk calculation is an important subset of portfolio theory. For the simplest cases, consider some of the following definitions: * the greatest dive that a stock took over a given historical time period. For example, if stock A dropped 30% maximum over past 5 years before rebounding, and stock B dropped 40% maximum over the same period - then by this metric you can see that stock B is riskier. * standard deviation of the returns over a historical time period. Take as your data set the prices a stock assumed over the last 5 years daily. You can calculate the standard deviation of this data set. The standard deviation is a measure of risk.

What is the point-slope form for 3 7?

You need two points before you can calculate the slope.

How do you calculate urine output from weighing wet diapers?

A conventional baby scale can be used to calculate urine output. Weight the diaper before putting it on your baby, and then again when it is wet.

What is the equation for a falling object?

The equation for the kinetic energy of a falling object is kinetic energy=1/2 an object's mass multiplied by it's speed squared. From this, we can work out the speed. First you need to know its weight and its kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is obtained by working out it's potential energy before it fell (Potential energy= mass multiplied by gravitational pull multiplied by height. Then, at whatever point during the fall, the decrease in potential energy marks the increase in kinetic energy. From then we work out the speed. Example; An object that weighs 8.1 kilograms is 10 metres above the ground. It's potential energy is therefore 8.1x10(gravitational pull on earth is always 10)x10. So it has a potential energy of 810 joules. it falls 5 metres, so it's potential energy is 8.1x10x5 (405 joules). The total energy, we know, is 810J, so 810-a05=405, giving it kinetic energy of 405J. The kinetic energy formula is then rearranged as speed squared=kinetic energy/ 0.5m. Our equation is therefore speed squared= 405/4.05, so speed squared=100. The square root of 100 is 10 so the speed is 10 metres per second (36 kilometres per hour).

Related questions

What must you do first before determining gravitational PE?

Before determining gravitational potential energy, you must identify the object's height or distance above a reference point, like the ground or a particular level. This reference point will help calculate the gravitational potential energy based on their relative positions.

What form of energy did the ball have before it was dropped?

The ball had potential energy before it was dropped. This potential energy was due to its position above the ground.

What is the diver gravitational potential energy just before the dive?

The diver's gravitational potential energy just before the dive is at its maximum, as the diver is at the highest point in the dive and has the most gravitational potential energy. This potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy as the diver falls during the dive.

How do you measure a dropped ball's potential energy?

The potential energy of a dropped ball can be measured using the equation PE = mgh, where PE is potential energy, m is mass, g is acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2 on Earth), and h is the height from which the ball is dropped. This equation calculates the stored energy of the ball based on its mass, gravity, and height above the ground.

What energy conversion is taking place when a boucny ball is dropped?

When a bouncy ball is dropped, potential energy stored in the ball is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. When the ball hits the ground, some of the kinetic energy is converted back into potential energy as the ball momentarily compresses before bouncing back up.

At which point does he have the most gravitational potential energy?

He has the most gravitational potential energy at the highest point of his trajectory, when he is at the peak of his jump before starting to descend back down.

What is kynetic energy?

kinetic energy is the amount of energy something has when it is moving. It is measured in Joules (J) it is found by : ke=1/2 mv2`where m=mass in kilograms and v=velocity the gravitational potential energy (gpe) of something before it is dropped = mgh where m=mass in kilograms, g=gravitational field strength (constant at 9.81Nm2) and h =height of object in metres. ke exactly before it hits the ground = gpe before it is dropped from this we can see that 1/2 v2 =gh

What type of energy is used before and after a ball is bounced?

Gravitational potential energy before the ball is bounced which changes to kinetic energy and then to elastic potential energy.

Why have to put minus sign before the formula of gravitational potential?

The negative sign in the formula for gravitational potential energy is used to signify that the potential energy is defined as zero at an infinite distance from the gravitational source. It allows for the interpretation that as objects move closer together, their potential energy decreases and is considered negative in relation to the reference point.

A ball kicked into the air will have the greatest gravitational potential energy when?

The ball will have the greatest gravitational potential energy at the highest point of its trajectory, when it has momentarily stopped moving upwards before falling back down.

Can you have maximum gravitational potential energy and maximum gravitational kinetic energy at the same point?

No, gravitational portential energy is more with more hight and gravitational kinetic energy is maximum just before reaching the ground.

What type of energy existed before the boy jumped off the platform?

Gravitational potential energy.