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It the unit is watts, megawatts is millions of watts, so to convert watts to megawatts, multiply the number of watts be 1,000,000.

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Q: How do convert Million units to megawatt?
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How many units in one megawatt of electricity?

A megawatt is one million watts. One watt is a unit of electrical power.

Million units in thermal power plant?

B. T. U.Answer:With the exception of the USA power plant output is measured in Megawatt/hours (Mega=million)

How many watts are in a megawatt?

One Million unit (MU) is made up of 1 MW multiplied by 8.76 (for 8760 hours in a year). So you can convert MW and MU as: 1 MW X 8.76 = 1 MU There is no such thing as million units of watts.

Convert Wh to Mw?

Not possible. A Watt-hour is a quantity of work. A MegaWatt is rate at which work is done. These units are not convertible one to another without more data.

How do you express 795000 units of power generated in megawatt?

It is not clear what you mean with "units of power".

How can calculate megawatt to Tons Per Hour?

You can't convert between these units. Tons per hour is a (truly archaic) measure of cooling capacity. Megawatts is a measure of power.

How many meters in a square km?

You don't convert square units to linear units. A kilometer has 1000 meters, since kilo means 1000; a square kilometer has a million square meters.You don't convert square units to linear units. A kilometer has 1000 meters, since kilo means 1000; a square kilometer has a million square meters.You don't convert square units to linear units. A kilometer has 1000 meters, since kilo means 1000; a square kilometer has a million square meters.You don't convert square units to linear units. A kilometer has 1000 meters, since kilo means 1000; a square kilometer has a million square meters.

How do you convert megawatt hours to kilowatt hours?

divide by 100

How do you convert mwh to megawatt unit?

1 mwh is same a 1 megawatt unit. Genereally 1 KWH is called as 1 Unit.

1 megawatt is equal to how many units?

1 MW = 1x10^6 W = 1,000,000 watts 1 kW = 1x10^3 W = 1000 watts 1 MW / 1 kW = 10^6/10^3 = 10^3 = 1000 kilowatts per megawatt

How many btu to one mbtu?

None. They are used to measure two different quantities. The BTU is used to measure energy while the megawatt is used to measure power. Two different units for measuring two different quantities.A Megawatt-hour is a measure of energy that is equivalent to about 3.45 million BTUs. Or 1 Megawatt is equivalent to 3.45 million BTU per hour.

How many watt in 1 megewatt?

"Mega" is the prefix for one million. So one Megawatt is equal to 1 million watts. That is, 1 Megawatt = 1MW = 1,000,000 W = 1,000,000 Watts