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They employ advance printing and security measures to try and avoid this.

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Q: How do countries make their bills so that people cannot copy them?
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If you had Medicaid which paid for hospital bills and any medical prescriptions does the hospital have the right to charge you for unpaid medical bills and also put it on your credit report?

No - medical bills covered by medicaid cannot be collected from the patient. Provide them another copy of your medicaid card for that time of service or contact medicaid and have them contact the hospital that is harassing you.

What Disadvantages of soft copy?

It is cheaper to distribute and it is in the form of sound, so people who cannot read can hear it

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CC is carbon copy which is the exact same thing as the original email and BCC is blind carbon copy which means they cannot see the people it was sent to.

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They both copy each other.

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You cannot get a copy of cricket secrets unless you are a hacker.

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If you are on a mac, you do not, you cannot.

With what can users access account balances pay bills and copy monthly transactions from a banks computer right into their personal computers?

People can access their account balances on their personal computers, by visiting their banks website. Users can log in, pay bills and view monthly statements.

Where can you secure a copy of this Obama health care bill so you actually know what your leaders are imposing on the people of this country?

You can secure a copy of the Obama health care bill online at the UsGovInfo website on the Internet. This website offers copies of most bills that are up for vote or have recently passed and allows you to see what your leaders are imposing on the people of this country.

How can you create a virtual copy constructor?

You cannot. Constructors are specific to the class in which they are declared. They cannot be inherited and so they cannot be virtual.

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Being that it's a copy, it's NOT real money, and cannot be spent as such.

Can you get Charmander in emerald?

No you cannot, you have to trade with a copy of FireRed or LeafGreen.

Why cant you copy Super Smash Bros Brawl to your wii memory?

i believe there is so much data, you cannot copy it all.... you can copy vault data though...