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Q: How do fractals relate to geometric sequences?
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Are kaleidoscope images fractals?

No. Fractals are geometric shapes which include high calculations. I'm not even able to do the first part of it.

Arithmetic sequences are to linear functions as geometric sequences are to what?

Exponentail functions

How does Euclid relate with fractals?

Euclid did a lot of work with geometry

Difference between fractals and other geometric figures?

Traditional geometric figures have dimensions which are integers: 0 for a point, 1 for a line or Mobius strip, 2 for a plane figure or Klein bottle, and 3 for a solid. Fractals have dimensions which are not integers.

How do you solve geometric sequence and series?

There can be no solution to geometric sequences and series: only to specific questions about them.

What best describes a geometric shape whose parts are each a smaller copy of the whole?

These are called fractals.

How do arithmetic and geometric sequences compare to continuous functions?

an arithmetic sequeunce does not have the sum to infinty, and a geometric sequence has.

How do you solve this word problem about geometric sequences?

Follow this method:

How do fractals relate to math?

Fractals are a special kind of curve. They are space filling curves and have dimensions that are between those of a line (D = 1) and an area (D = 2).

What is the formula for non arithmetic and geometric sequences?

because starwars is awesome