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Q: How do i calculate the percentage being paid?
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What was the highest percentage income tax being paid in 1918

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The term "mean" is another way of saying "average." In order to calculate a mean percentage score, you must add together all the percentages, and divide the total by the amount of percentage scores being used.

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What are defined benefit plans?

The defined benefit plan is usually paid by the employer only, different firm calculate the sum that is being projected differently, but most calculate the average of salaries and then project a percentage of it. One may need to work at the respective firm for a number of years in order to be eligable for the plan.

How do you calculate your pay for the day if you are being paid an hourly wage?

the hourly rate times the hours worked

How much do arhitects get paid?

Individuals would be paid by a large company, but the company gets a percentage of the cost of building, usually. If you're hiring one they'll most likely look for a percentage of the cost of the work being done.

How can one calculate body fat percentage?

One can calculate the percentage of fat there is in their body by using the Body Fat Percentage Calculator provided by Healthy Forms which lets you calculate the percentage of fat in your body.

How to calculate percentage using mean?

i want to calculate the percentage of mean value of particular data.

How do you calculate percentage more than 100?

The same way that you calculate any other percentage.

How do you calculate a per cubic ft charge?

Calculate the volumeof whatever is being paid for, in cubic feet, then multiply that number of cubic feet by the cost per cubic foot.

541 paid out of 906 people what is the percentage paid?
