Odd numbers run Noth to south and begin in the West. Thus 25 is West of 35. Even numbers run East to West and begin in the South. Thus 40 is South of 80.
Odd Numbered Interstates go north-south Even Numbered Interstates go east-to-west The higher numbered interstates are in the north (ex. I-90, I-80) The lower numbered interstates are in the south (ex. I-4, I-10)
To find the percentage of a number, multiply the number by the percentage expressed as a decimal or fraction. For example, to find 20% of 80, multiply 80 by 0.20 or 1/5. This will give you the answer of 16.
You can express that in many different ways. For example, 0.8, 4/5, or 80% or 80 over 100
There is an infinity of such numbers: 8000000 is one, for example.
80 is a whole number.
You could be traveling on Interstate 10, Interstate 40, or Interstate 80. These are major east-west highways in the United States.
Interstate 40 is 2,555.10 miles long. The only two interstates in the United States that are longer than Interstate 40 are I-80 and I-90.
Interstate 80 across to San Francisco. Interstate 80 to Interstate 15, then 15 to LA, or alternately, work down to I 70, then 15 to LA.
Interstates I - 10 (the longest), I-40 and I-80 run east -west across the US.
If you are traveling in a westbound direction, you could possibly be traveling on interstates with even numbers, such as Interstate 10, 40, 70, 80, or 90. These interstates generally run east to west across the United States.
Rev I-25 is the north-south interstate that passes along the western edge of Cheyenne. It intersects the east-west interstate I-80 at Cheyenne. US 30 is a major highway that passes through Cheyenne.
Usually the ones that end in "5" (N-S) or "0" (E-W) N-S: Interstate 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 E-W: Interstate 10,20, 30, 40, 70, 80, 90 (no Interstate 50 or 60)
No, not at all. There are plenty of left hand exits off of Interstate highways.One notable example: on Interstate 35 North in Iowa just north of Des Moines, in order to remain on I-35 you must exit the road you're on to the left. I-35 and I-80, which had briefly joined on the west side of Des Moines, split at this point with I-80 continuing east and I-35 turning to head north again.Added: Interstate 75-South in Florida where the Florida Turnpike veers off, etc, etc, etc.
Odd Numbered Interstates go north-south Even Numbered Interstates go east-to-west The higher numbered interstates are in the north (ex. I-90, I-80) The lower numbered interstates are in the south (ex. I-4, I-10)
80 MPH
Interstate 80 and Interstate 25.
I-35, I-80 and I-235.