Unless you have some other source of information, your only option is to measure it - possibly using a protractor.
The 360-degree feedback survey, also known as multi-rater feedback, multi source feedback, and multi source assessment was first introduced during World War II. This assessment was used by the German Military to evaluate the performance during the war.
No. Only if the ground is level and the light source is very far away and at a 45 degree angle.
There's no relationship between the frequency and the medium. The frequency of a wave is determined by the source. Once the wave leaves the source and sets out on its journey, the frequency doesn't change, regardless of what kind of stuff the wave encounters and has to travel through.
The Source mean ..................
There is much experimental evidence that birds can detect Earth's magnetic field and orient themselves with it. Source: I am an A+ student in Science.
bamboo leaves
Answer this question… It allows readers to evaluate a source for themselves.
grass and leaves from trees and bushes
Yes, in particular a source of nitrate.
Tree bark, leaves and grass
Bamboo leaves.
1. Leaves in plants photosynthesise, whereby they give out oxygen, which is used by animals in respiration. 2. Leaves are a source of food for some animals. (They eat leaves.)
they produce the source of chemical energy for themselves and for other organisms. -Biology