money is made of bat hair and other top secret stuff and money is made so every thing has a value an can mean something to someone although some people think happiness cant be bought but think most of what we have keeps us occupied and happy
most everyone over the age of 5 who's parents aren't complete morons who want them to be made fun of at school ___ I also think there are a lot of people who don't believe. But that doesn't make the people who believe morons. Believing in goodness and hope aren't bad things, and I think that is what a belief in Santa is about at its core. Believing in the power of a lot of people making the world a little more happy, hopeful, and magical.
Geometric means that the shape is made from points and lines. So the opposite would need to be a shape that is not made from points and lines. Most people think that geometric means regular (following a pattern) as in a star pattern or square. So the opposite of that set of objects would be irregular shapes.
Average is set to 100. Most people range from 90-110. I think that normal IQ is around 100.
Round. Most people by the time of Columbus did not believe the Earth was flat, despite what some history books will tell you.
It is possible, most people think that they are angels sent to Earth to help the Earth. I think they really are angels, just look at there music vidio You Found Me.
Because it is!
most people are scared due to their size and of course the movies made about them.
Earth... most likely..
theres no way of knowing exactly, however most people think it was because of natural earth production. humans are basically moving plants!
Most people lived ON the Earth, but some lived IN the Earth.
No,the earth is most certainly not flat. During the early years of the 1400s and 1500s, people thought that if you went to far that you would fall off the earth's surface. This,however, is not possible. It's like saying the sun is cold. I don't know how old you are or if you are educated but whoever made you think this is an idiot. I am quite sure that most people would know except for very young children.
Homo Sapiens are the first humans to think and are the most intelectual of all life on earth.
Magnesium makes up about 2% of the Earth's crust by weight, making it the eighth most abundant element.
Because we could not exist without both of them
Throughout history, most people believed the Earth to be flat. It wasn't until the ancient Greeks proposed that the Earth was round in the 6th century BC, and this idea gained wider acceptance over time. Today, the spherical shape of the Earth is widely accepted based on scientific evidence.