Geomerty is used in many ways including diagramming accidents or crime scenes, and in accident investigations.
Many police diagrams are created and recorded using triangulation or base line mapping. Both require geometry.
Geometry has been studied in every civilization that we have written records of. In that sense, no mathematician can have created geometry. Euclid is generally recognized as having pioneered the use of the axiomatic method in mathematics. Of that work, his most famous is his work in geometry.
All artists use geometry, tattoo artists included. Any peice of work that involves straight lines, square/rectangular boxes or circles at the base of the design will involve geometry.
Police officers protect the public, detect and prevent crime and perform other activities directed at maintaining law and order. They are employed by municipal and federal governments, some provincial and regional governments and the armed forces. This unit group includes military police and railway police.
A ruler and pencil/pen work very well.
How DO* police officers use geometry obviously you're not smart enough to be anything else.
Many police diagrams are created and recorded using triangulation or base line mapping. Both require geometry.
Depends - some may be trained to however it is not required when entering the police force. Usually when there is an accident, medics respond as well as police officers.
The police use a breathalyser kit.
Guns, tasers, police sticks, walkie talkies, etc.
Yes, but most police agencies would not permit an officer to work if he or she was under the influence of marijuana or tested positive for marijuana use.
No-one should "do" police brutality, that's why it's called brutality rather than reasonable force, which is what police officers should use.
the police officers use the so called "miranda doctrine". . .
Evidence-based policing.
To heat up fppd.
Euclid's work was geometry, many jobs use geometry such as engineers and architecture
Police officers are a tight group, but, you could go to the bars to meet some of them. They do have their favorite hang-outs. Beware! Don't be disillusioned by the uniform! Most police officers are good guys, but there is a percentage that uses their power even in their own personal relationships and there is a high percentage of spousal abuse. Police officers work shiftwork and can work long hours depending on the division they are in and also the work can be dangerous. This is no game, so rethink whether you want to 'hunt down that cop!' If you meet one through a friend then it's worth a shot to have a date. There is actually a free dating site called "" that officers use to meet others in the same line of work. It is a lot easier to meet someone like a nurse who understands the long hours, shift work, stress, etc.