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Positive peer pressure is pressure to be a good person, pressure to be social, pressure to do well. This can be stuff like

  • picking up rubbish- if everyone else does it, other people will follow because they dont want to look wierd
  • going to a dance to socialise- if everone else goes, others will go to, making them becaome more social
  • If someones friends are nice to other people, it is more likely that you will be nice, whereas when your friends are mean, you might think that you have to act mean as well

Negative peer pressure

  • to sneak out of school with friends
  • talk back to teachers
  • be rude to parents and siblings

So basiclly, peer pressure is when you feel that you have to/ u r abliged to do certain things as a result of others doing the same :)

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Q: How do positive peer pressure and negative peer pressure differ?
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How can you determine if peer pressure is positive or negative?

Positive peer pressure encourages behaviors that are beneficial or healthy, while negative peer pressure promotes actions that are harmful or unwanted. You can determine the type of peer pressure by evaluating its impact on your well-being, values, and goals. Positive peer pressure fosters personal growth and positive outcomes, while negative peer pressure may lead to negative consequences or regret.

Is peer pressure always a negative or bad thing?

Peer pressure can be both negative and positive. Negative peer pressure can lead individuals to engage in harmful behaviors to fit in with a group, while positive peer pressure can influence individuals to make healthy choices or pursue productive activities. It's important for individuals to evaluate the influence of their peers and make decisions that align with their own values and goals.

What are the types of pressure?

They're 5 Kinds of Peer Pressure These are it ~ Negative Peer Pressure , Positive Peer Pressure , Heavy Peer Pressure , Indirect Peer Pressure , and Friendly Peer Pressure

Do you think peer pressure is a case of pregnancy?

It Depends on the type of peer pressure; It it is negative peer pressure then yes but if it is positive peer pressure and your not under age then no.

Is peer pressure a blessing or a menace?

Peer pressure can be either. When peers are encouraging a peer in a positive direction, it is a blessing. When they pressure a peer in a negative direction it is a menace. Unfortunately, peer pressure is often a menace.

Is all peer pressure negative?

Not all peer pressure is negative. Positive peer pressure can encourage individuals to make healthy choices, try new things, or achieve their goals. It depends on the situation and the influence of the peers involved.

Is peer presure benificial?

Peer pressure can have both positive and negative effects. Positive peer pressure can encourage individuals to make healthier choices or challenge themselves to achieve their goals. However, negative peer pressure can lead individuals to engage in risky or harmful behaviors in an effort to fit in or gain acceptance from their peers. It's important for individuals to be able to differentiate between positive and negative peer pressure and make choices that align with their values and goals.

What are the nature of peer pressure?

Peer pressure refers to the influence that peers can have on an individual's behavior, attitudes, and decisions. It can be both positive, like encouraging healthy habits, or negative, like pressuring someone into risky behavior. Peer pressure is common in adolescence but can also be present in adulthood.

Peer pressure can be a positive or negative influence true or false?

True, peer pressure can be both a positive and negative influence on individuals. Positive peer pressure can encourage positive behavior and motivation, while negative peer pressure can lead to risky or harmful behaviors. It is important for individuals to surround themselves with positive influences and make independent choices.

How are positive peer perssure and negative peer pressure like one another?

Positive peer pressure and negative peer pressure both involve influence from peers to conform or behave in a certain way. However, positive peer pressure encourages behaviors that are beneficial and constructive, while negative peer pressure promotes behaviors that are harmful or inappropriate. Both types can impact an individual's choices and actions based on the influence of their peers.

What are the different kinds of peer pressure?

Peer pressure can take on different forms such as direct pressure, indirect pressure (like influencing behaviors through actions or comments), individual pressure (when a person feels the need to conform to a group), and self-imposed pressure (setting personal standards based on what one perceives to be expected by peers).

What are the negative effects of peer pressure?

The negative effects of peer pressure can include early use of substances and sexual experimentation before one is emotionally ready. Negative peer pressure can also effect self-esteem in harmful ways for the person trying to fit in.