If the fraction is less than half, round down. If the fraction is half or greater, round up.
You look at the fraction part (0.302) and see that it is less than one half, so you round it down to 2.
4.5 already is rounded to the nearest half.
4/5 to the nearest half is 1.
It is 2.5
If the fraction is less than half, round down. If the fraction is half or greater, round up.
To round a fraction to the nearest half, first convert the fraction to a decimal. Then round the decimal to the nearest half by determining which half interval it is closest to. Finally, convert the rounded decimal back to a fraction if needed.
You look at the fraction part (0.302) and see that it is less than one half, so you round it down to 2.
4.5 already is rounded to the nearest half.
To the nearest half, one half
1,500,000 is already rounded to the nearest half-million.
4/5 to the nearest half is 1.
It is 2.5
To the nearest whole number, 3