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Its a statistic, they guess. A good guess, but they still do.

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Q: How do scientist divide large groups into smaller groups?
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Why do you work out larger muscle groups before the smaller muscle groups?

because you need the smaller muscle groups to do the larger groups exercises effectively, and if you didnt you would tire out the smaller groups before you did the bigger ones. If you do the large ones first, the strain of the force is spread over a larger area so you can do your small groups afterwards.

Scientists today divide plants into two large groupsd basedv on?

Scientists today divide plants into two large groups based on whether they produce seeds or not. These groups are seed plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms) and non-seed plants (such as ferns, mosses, and liverworts). This classification helps to organize and understand the diversity of plant species.

What is a super cluster?

Superclusters are large groupings of smaller galaxy groups and clusters, and are among the largest structures of the cosmos.

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In large groups, groupthink doesn't have a real chance. In smaller groups, groupthink can prevent groups from being creative and brainstorming ideas.

What does software is a differentiator mean?

Software can divide a large task into smaller ones and then perform the tasks. This phenomena in software of breaking the task into smaller ones makes the software as differentiators.

What to do to convert large value into smaller?

Subtract a positive value from it. Add a negative value to it. Multiply by a number smaller than 1 Divide by a number larger than 1.

Divide and conquer is used as strategy to control people how does it work?

Divide and conquer is a premise that works like this: It is easier to defeat smaller groups of enemies than it is to defeat one large group of enemies, even though the total number of enemies is the same. Consider two armies on a battlefield. The easiest method for Army A to defeat Army B is to "break up" Army B's large body of soldiers, and separate them into smaller groups. In this way, Army A can concentrate on defeating a much smaller group of soldiers, one group at a time. Army B's smaller groups are prevented from receiving support from the larger group. They cannot easily get reinforcements or refill ammunition. They are helpless against Army A's larger force. This idea is not limited to the battlefield, however. In society, it is always easier to convince one person of an idea than to convince a large room of people. Individuals on their own are easier to control because they do not have the support of a "group mentality" or emotional defense.

What is a grouped frequency table?

A grouped frequency table is a statistic method to organize and simplify a large set of data in to smaller groups.

Why do scientists work in small groups?

While many scientists work in small groups, or even alone, there are many examples where groups of hundreds of scientists work together. The space programme, and the Large Hadron Collider would be a couple of examples. It all depends on the nature of the job. If you were the scientist working in a soap factory, you may be the only scientist, or maybe you would have the assistance of a technician.

How many large groups of rings does Saturn have?

Saturn has seven large groups of rings, known as the A, B, C, D, E, F, and G rings. These rings are made up of countless smaller ringlets of ice and rock particles.

Does the elk live in small or large groups?

Does elks live alone or in small groups or large groups

What are superclusters?

Superclusters are very large groupings of smaller galactic clusters. Superclusters are the largest known structures in the Universe, and since they are not gravitationally bound, they partake in the Hubble expansion. The Milky Way Galaxy is located in the Local Group, which in turn is located in the Virgo Supercluster.