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8 12's can be broken down to 2 3rds. They are not worth more or less than each other.
If a pie is divided into 10 pieces and you get one of them, will each piece be bigger than if the pie is divided into 12? Of course each piece will be bigger. Same for 3 pieces of the pie.
Random assignment: assigning participants to experimental and control conditions by chance Vs. Random sample: a sample that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal chance of being included You decide :-D
Set the two fractions next to each other and multiply upwards. 3/5 and 5/12 5x5=25 12x3=36 36 is bigger. 3/5 is bigger
The elders in "The Giver" determine assignments through the Committee of Elders, who consider the attributes and abilities of each individual. The committee evaluates the needs of the community and the traits of the individual to match them with a suitable role based on their skills and strengths. The decision is made collectively, with input from various members of the community.
The elders think about each childs personality and then deside what their assignment should be.
The Committee of Elders, a group of older community members in charge of decision-making, assign roles to each Twelve based on their aptitudes and traits. The assignments are determined through a process of observation, evaluation, and matching individual strengths with community needs.
In "The Giver," each of the twelves received their assigned job at the Ceremony. This ceremony marks their transition from childhood to adulthood and they are given their roles based on their abilities and interests.
In "The Giver," the community is governed by a group of Elders who make all decisions for the society. The Elders enforce strict rules and regulations to maintain order and control over the population. They also oversee the selection and assignment of roles for each member of the community.
In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, an assignment refers to the job or role that each member of the community is given by the Chief Elder at the Ceremony of Twelve. Assignments are based on the individual's aptitudes, interests, and personality traits, as determined by the community's Elders. Assignments are considered a crucial part of maintaining order and stability within the highly controlled society depicted in the novel.
In Jonas's community, people were assigned jobs by the Committee of Elders based on their aptitudes, interests, and personality traits. Each job was carefully chosen to best suit each individual's strengths and characteristics, with the ultimate goal of achieving a harmonious and efficient society.
At the ceremony of tweles they give the 12s their assignments which would be ther jobs for the rest of their lives into they reach into their old age stage
In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Assignments are the roles or jobs that each member of the community is given at the Ceremony of Twelve, where they are assigned tasks based on their abilities and interests in order to contribute to the functioning of the society. Each assignment is carefully chosen by the Elders to match the individual's skills and personality.
The Ceremony of Twelve is a significant event in the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. It consists of each twelve-year-old child being assigned their future job or role in the community by the Committee of Elders. The ceremony begins with the Chief Elder giving a speech, followed by each child approaching the stage to receive their assignment.
In "The Giver," assignment refers to the job or role that each member of the community is given by the Chief Elder when they turn twelve years old. The assignment is meant to determine the individual's role in the community's functioning and to guide them in contributing their skills and abilities for the common good.
More info;You will write a program that will interact with the user by name and allow for the recording of grades for three classes: Tech, History, and Math. The program will allow the user to determine how many assignments to enter in each class, the name of each assignment, the total value of each assignment, and the users score on each assignment. The program will will write the scores to a file and have the ability to:Tell the user the high and low score in each class along with the assignment nameRepeat entries back to user by assignment name and score to ensure accuracyTell the user their current grade in each classTell the user their current gpa based on the overall percentage of each class