you are going to have to give more detail to your question than that. What operation are you talking about?
An additive operation is an operation which produces the sum of two operands.
There is no operation for a single number and so there can be no order of operation.
multiplication is a operation
3020 is a number, not an operation. A number cannot have an inverse operation.
inverse operation
no proceed
approach or procede
Mary, Queen Of Scots preceded James VI
March 4th... The command is to "march forth'(fourth), or to procede forward.
"C cooly" is spelled correctly.
Probably not, Kishimoto-san says that he will probably stop the series around chapter 550 or 570 but who knows!
The red flashing traffic light means that you are to come to a stop, yield to other traffic and then you can procede when the way is clear.
Coolly is spelled correctly. Procede should be proceed. Superintendant should be superintendent. Arguement should be argument.