The first thing to do when converting a decimal to a fraction is to get rid of the decimal part. To do this we multiply it by a power of 10. In this case we would need to multiply by 100, so our starting point is 503/100
This is a top heavy fraction though, so it would be good to take off 100s from the top until we have a value left that is less than 100, we can do this 5 times to get:
5 and 3/100
As 3 and 100 do not have any common factors, this is the answer in its simplest form.
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The simplest form of 5.03 as a fraction is 503/100
50.60 = 503/5
It is: 6.2875 = 503/80 in its simplest form
The simplest form of 5.03 as a fraction is 503/100
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and not a factor of the denominator, the proper fraction 503/1000 is already expressed in its simplest form.
5.03 = 503/100 in fraction
503/100 = 53/100
50.60 = 503/5
10 3/50 is the mixed number 503/50 is the improper fraction
503/100 or 5 3/100