Because that it s harder to work out percentages than fractions and decimals
Decimals until you get to values with over nine decimal places, then fractions are more exact
The property is the same, whether you work with integers, decimals, or fractions.
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions which are useful because calculations are easier to work out.
A fraction can be turned into a decimal figure. Divide the bottom into the top to get your decimal figure. Then work in decimals.
Because that it s harder to work out percentages than fractions and decimals
Decimals until you get to values with over nine decimal places, then fractions are more exact
Accountants typically convert fractions to decimals. They do this by dividing the fractions and getting a decimal number. Decimals are easier to work with in accounting.
The property is the same, whether you work with integers, decimals, or fractions.
The fraction 1/3=0.3333333... In this case it is better to use fractions just like in all cases. There will be no case when decimals will work better than fractions however, if a test says to use decimals; USE THEM!
when you are trying to find a price
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions which are useful because calculations are easier to work out.
A fraction can be turned into a decimal figure. Divide the bottom into the top to get your decimal figure. Then work in decimals.
Whether fractions work better than decimals or less as well is very much a question of your preference.
Both - some veterinarians work in a clinic (inside) while other veterinarians have an ambulatory clinic and work on the farm (outside).
There is absolutely no REQUIREMENT to do so. It is simply that many people prefer to work with whole numbers.