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Hopefully I'm understanding this question correctly. I assume you mean a heating or air duct where, if round, is like a cylinder. The volume of a cylinder is equal to (pi)r2h, where pi = 3.142; r = radius; h = height. To understand why this is, picture a round duct or any cylinder. The base is a circle. The area of a circle is equal to (pi)r2. If you stand a bunch of circles on top of each other (equal to the height) the object now looks like a cylinder and the area of all those circles will equal the volume of the cylinder. To answer your question, you calculate the volume of a round duct by figuring out the radius of the base circle and the height of the object and then use the formula (pi)r2h. The answer that you get will be in cubic units.

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Q: How do we calculate round duct area in cubic feet?
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How to find the area of round duct?

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The cross-sectional area of a 10-inch round metal duct can be calculated using the formula for the area of a circle: A = πr^2, where r is the radius of the duct. For a 10-inch round duct, the radius would be half of the diameter (10 inches), so the radius is 5 inches. Plugging in this value into the formula gives A = π*5^2 = 25π square inches, or approximately 78.5 square inches.

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In order to calculate the area of HVAC duct offset and elbow, one must first measure the distance between the two. Then the elbow must be larger than any cross section to maintain airflow.

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Dimension is : W * D* L IN MTR AREA SQ.MTR= (W+D) * 2 * L

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Velocity in a duct can be measured using tools such as an anemometer or a pitot tube. An anemometer measures airflow velocity by detecting changes in air pressure, while a pitot tube measures velocity by comparing stagnation pressure to static pressure. By using these tools, one can determine the velocity of air moving through a duct.

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