When estimating the sum of 48765 and 9221, you can round each number to the nearest thousand. 48765 rounds to 49000, and 9221 rounds to 9000. Adding these rounded numbers gives you an estimated sum of 58000. To estimate the difference, you can round 48765 to 49000 and 9221 to 9000. Subtracting these rounded numbers gives you an estimated difference of 4000.
That depends what the divisor of the division sum is - as to what the part of the number after the decimal point would be.
No, the sum of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal is never a terminating decimal.
it can help you determine whether toy made an error in calculating an exact sum or difference.
The sum of any one number is the value of that number.
The range of a single number - with or without a decimal - is zero.
The sum of a single number is itself. So the answer is 12904 - and no estimate required.
When estimating the sum of 48765 and 9221, you can round each number to the nearest thousand. 48765 rounds to 49000, and 9221 rounds to 9000. Adding these rounded numbers gives you an estimated sum of 58000. To estimate the difference, you can round 48765 to 49000 and 9221 to 9000. Subtracting these rounded numbers gives you an estimated difference of 4000.
The distributive property of multiplication lets you simplify expressions wherein you multiply a number by a sum or difference. According to this property, the product of a sum or difference of a number is equal to the sum or difference of the products.
The sum of the sum and difference gives twice the larger number 14 + 4 = 18 → the larger number is 18 ÷ 2 = 9 The difference of the sum and the difference gives twice the smaller number 14 - 4 = 10 → the smaller number is 10 ÷ 2 = 5 → The two numbers are 9 and 5.
That depends what the divisor of the division sum is - as to what the part of the number after the decimal point would be.
program SumAndDifference; var num1, num2, sum, difference: integer; begin write('Enter first number: '); read(num1); write('Enter second number: '); read(num2); sum := num1 + num2; difference := num1 - num2; if sum > difference then written('The sum is greater: ', sum) else written('The difference is greater: ', difference); end. This program will prompt the user to enter two numbers, calculate their sum and difference, and then compare the two values. If the sum is greater than the difference, it will display the sum; otherwise, it will display the difference.