1 minute
To write a number less than one, you can use a decimal representation. For example, 0.5 or 0.75 are examples of numbers less than one.
37/100 is a number with a magnitude less than 1. It cannot, therefore, be written a as a mixed number. If the question was not about 37/100 but something else then please resubmit using words eg "plus", "divide", "equals" because the browser used for posting questions does not accept symbols.
Usually you can't, because it's less than 1. If I HAVE to write it, I would write 013/20.
37 1/2
1 minute
0.74 = 74/100 = 37/50. It cannot be written as a mixed number since its absolute value is less than 1.
To write a number less than one, you can use a decimal representation. For example, 0.5 or 0.75 are examples of numbers less than one.
1 and 37/100 as a decimal is 1.37
Any number less than ' 1 '.
It's written <1%
Convert to same units then compare: The "milli-" prefix means 1/1000 → 1 ml = 1/1000 l → 38000 ml = 38000 × 1/1000 l = 38 l 38 > 37 → 38 l > 37 l > 38000 ml > 37 l → No, 37 l are less than 38,000 ml
improper fraction that equals 37 = 37/1
no one can do that. it doesn't make scence
37/100 is a number with a magnitude less than 1. It cannot, therefore, be written a as a mixed number. If the question was not about 37/100 but something else then please resubmit using words eg "plus", "divide", "equals" because the browser used for posting questions does not accept symbols.