Pairs of positive integer factors of 1234 are: 1 x 1234 = 1234 2 x 617 = 1234 And their reverses.
1234+54627 = 55861
2345 + 1234 = 3579
1234 * 7658 = 9,449,972
Person's Name 1234 Street, Apartment 123 City, State, Postal Code
2 x 617 = 1234617 x 2 = 1234
Your Name 1234 Anywhere Street #1234 City, State Zip
1234 * 1234 + 1234 = 1234 * 1235 = 1523990
I write 1234 and 4321
1234 + 1234 = 2468
As an example if your number in Malaysia is 012 123 1234 International: +60 12 - 123 1234 Local: 012 - 123 1234 As you notice in Malaysia the - (minus) sign is after the prefix and not as a separator of the number as it is practised in USA.
One thousand two hundred [and] thirty four
Pairs of positive integer factors of 1234 are: 1 x 1234 = 1234 2 x 617 = 1234 And their reverses.
By the uniqueness of numbers, the only number for 1234 is 1234 itself.