Sixteen point zero six seven three four. Sixteen and six thousand, seven hundred and thirty-four, hundred thousandths.
Standard form for four hundred sixteen thousandths is 4.16 × 10-1
The standard form of four hundred sixteen thousandths (0.416) is: 4.16 × 10-1
Two possible answers: 400.016 or 0.416
One hundred four and sixteen thousandths (104.016) in standard form = 1.04016 × 102
Four hundred thirty-nine and two hundred sixteen thousandths.
Sixteen point zero six seven three four. Sixteen and six thousand, seven hundred and thirty-four, hundred thousandths.
Standard form for four hundred sixteen thousandths is 4.16 × 10-1
The standard form of four hundred sixteen thousandths (0.416) is: 4.16 × 10-1
Sixteen point zero six seven three four. Sixteen and six thousand, seven hundred and thirty-four, hundred thousandths.
Two possible answers: 400.016 or 0.416
four hundred thousandths
The standard form is 416,000. If you meant four hundred sixteen thousandths the answer would be 0.416