To write 23.9 in word form, you would say "twenty-three point nine." In this representation, "point" is used to indicate the decimal point between the whole number (23) and the decimal part (0.9). This format is commonly used to verbally express decimal numbers in English.
Fifty and twenty-three hundredths in decimal form is 50.23
Without a decimal point it would be 'fifty-seven thousand, three hundred twenty-eight' (57,328)
three and twenty-five hundredths as a decimal = 3.25
To write 23.9 in word form, you would say "twenty-three point nine." In this representation, "point" is used to indicate the decimal point between the whole number (23) and the decimal part (0.9). This format is commonly used to verbally express decimal numbers in English.
Write twenty-one hundredthe as a decimal
Fifty and twenty-three hundredths in decimal form is 50.23
It is 0.23
Without a decimal point it would be 'fifty-seven thousand, three hundred twenty-eight' (57,328)
23/100 as a decimal is 0.23
One and twenty-three hundredths