for a kid friendly explanation:
You multiply the area of the circle on the top of the cylinder and multiply it by how high it is(the cylinder)
It depends on the shape you are attempting to compute the volume of. If you are attempting to compute the volume of a box (eight sides, each perpendicular), then it is simply length times width times height.
V(4) = 4/3, 64, pi
You cannot. Cubic meters measure volume and square meters measure area. They are not the same thing.
Compute means to figure out the question and get an answer.
It depends on the shape you are attempting to compute the volume of. If you are attempting to compute the volume of a box (eight sides, each perpendicular), then it is simply length times width times height.
Volume and Time
Density is mass divided by volume.
-- Measure its mass and volume.-- Divide (mass) by (volume).-- The answer is its density.
To compute it, you have to know the lengths of the sides.
See the related link.
Density= mass/volume
orifice meter is used for measuring volume flow rate air.
slave cylander for what? slave cylander for what?
There is no single formula. It depends on the shape of the object whose volume you are trying to find.