Not possible. Square feet is area measuring unit. BTU is energy measurement unit.
About 365 square feet.
Roughly 320-350 square feet.
400 to 450
To convert Cubic Feet to Btu's, multiply by 1,000 1 CF = 1,000 Btu's
Burning Stove - 110,000 BTU How many square feet?
how many square feet does a 14,000 btu heater heat
A 200,000 BTU wood burning stove will heat 1,000 square feet.
50,000 btu
About 365 square feet.
600 square feet.
Roughly 320-350 square feet.
It takes about 10,000 Btus to heat about 500 square feet. So, a 32,000 Btu stove can heat about 1600 square feet. Btu stands for British thermal unit, a unit of energy.
It takes about 50,000 btus to heat 1000 square feet
400 to 450