As a decimal it is 0.01
To convert 1/2% (0.5%) to a decimal divide, by 100: 0.5% ÷ 100 = 0.005
It is quite simple to convert a percentage to a decimal fraction. Just move the decimal point two spaces to the left. So, 50% becomes .5 and 75% becomes .75 and half a percent (.5%) becomes .005 and 100% becomes 1. Percentage, remember, means out of a hundred. So 50% is 50 out of a hundred, which is half. And as a decimal, half is .5 which you can derive simply by moving the decimal point.
As a decimal it is 0.01
It is 0.5 cents.
You divide 12.5 by 100 and then convert the decimal into a fraction! And bingo theres your answer!
0.5 = 1/2
It is 0.5 litres.
New Zealand introduced decimal currency in 1967 and have never produced a half cent coin.
Half of a cent is $0.005 or 0.5¢. You can think of it this way: One cent is 1/100 of a dollar, or $0.01, which is equivalent to 10/1000 of a dollar, or $0.010. Half of $0.010 is $0.005.
$1.00 = 100¢ (One Dollar = One Hundred Cents)1¢ = $1/100 (One Cent = One-Hundreth of a Dollar)$.01 = 1¢ (One Cent = One Cent) Duh!Now the infamous half a cent is tricky. Take 1¢ and divide it by 2, then convert to decimal.1/2 ¢ = 0.5¢Notice the unit sign cents (¢) does not change. Now convert to dollars.0.5¢ = $0.005You must first move the decimal and then change the unit sign.
32.5 cents, or $0.325
Assuming that is a dollar amount ($1.1175), then the nearest cent is to 2 decimal places. If the 3rd decimal place is less than half way to the next cent, it rounds down otherwise it rounds up. 7 is not less than half way (10÷2 = 5) to the next cent so it rounds up: ⇒ $1.1175 → $1.12