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Speed = (distance traveled) divided by (time to cover the distance)

Speed = (50 meters) / (2 seconds)

Speed = 50 meters per 2 seconds

Speed = 25 meters per second

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Q: How do you Determine the speed of an object that traveled 50 meters in 2 seconds?
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What two things must you know to determine average speed?

To determine average speed, you need to know what distance the object traveled in meters over how long it took the object to travel that distance in seconds.

What is the distance traveled by an object that moves with an averace speed of 10 meters and 5 seconds?

Just divide the distance by the time. (In this case, the speed in the answer will be in meters per second.)

If you know the distance traveled and the time traveled can YOU determine an object and DIRECTION?

No, you cannot.

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How do you know a object's speed and velocity?

Velocity = Delta-x / Delta-t, where x is position, t is time, and "Delta" is the "Change in" operator.Velocity is a vector, so I probably should have written x as x, or x-arrow, or some other notation to indicate it was a vector quantity, but putting an arrow hat on something is a little difficult to do here, and just making it bold is kind of subtle and could be missed.Speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector.

What is the average speed of an object traveling 2meters in 2 seconds then travels another 80meters duringthe next 40 seconds?

Th eobject traveled 82 meters in 42 seconds, so average speed is 82/42 = m/s = 1.95 m/s

What is the distance traveled by an object that moves with an average speed of 6.0 meters per second for 8.0 seconds?

distance = rate x timedistance = (6.0m/sec)(8.0 sec)distance = 54 m

How do you compute the velocity of moving object?

You first need to acquire more data. Since Velocity is equal to Displacement traveled divided by Time (v=s/t) if you know the distance traveled by the object and the time it has taken the velocity can be computed. watch those units though. if your measuring in meters and timing in seconds your velocity will be in meters/second so this needs to be converted if you are looking for miles or kilometers/hour

What is the velocity of an object that travels 15 meters in 2 seconds?


What is the distance of an object that has an angular diameter of 100 seconds of arc and a linear diameter of 30 meters?

30 meters subtends 100 seconds of arc.I get a distance of 61,879 meters.

How far in meters does an object falls in twelve seconds?

Ignoring air resistance, it would be 706 meters .

If distance is 50 meters and time is 5 seconds what is the speed?

If an object moves 50 meters in 5 seconds, its average speed is 50/5 = 10 meters per second.