1 x 431, 431 x 1
12.5% of 431= 12.5% * 431= 0.125 * 431= 53.875
431. 43100/100=431 or 43100/100= 431
You don't need to estimate when you can get the exact answer: 19*26/100 = 4.94
431-404 = 27
I believe the 'c' means circa, meaning that this date is an estimate and not exact.
431, as it was.
The positive integer factors of 431 are: 1, 431
432-431 = 1
431 and 1 = 431 + 1 = 432
1 x 431, 431 x 1
12.5% of 431= 12.5% * 431= 0.125 * 431= 53.875
431. 43100/100=431 or 43100/100= 431
431-404 = 27
431 = CDXXXI