0.0001 is one ten-thousandth
30 * 0001 = 30
0.001 = 0.001
.0001 seconds .0001 seconds
In the Gregorian calendar system, the date January 1, 0001, corresponds to a Monday. However, it is important to note that the year 0001 is not considered a valid year in historical records, as the Gregorian calendar was not in use at that time. The calendar system commonly used during that period was the Julian calendar, which did not have a year 0, leading directly from 1 BCE to 1 CE.
For Capital A, 0100 0001. For Lowercase A, 0110 0001.
0001 = 12:01 AM
Bill Payment: American Express P.O. Box 360001 Ft. Lauderdale FL 33336-0001 Bill Payment (Overnight): American Express US Payment Florida 2965 West Corporate Lakes Blvd Weston FL 33331-3626
January 1st, 0001 fell on a Tuesday.
No, it is less current than .0001.
"Tears are words the heart can't express" is a quote by an anonymous source.