

How do you Graph x less than 5?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: How do you Graph x less than 5?
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If x is less than one, the graph will be a number line with every point less than (but not including) 1 shaded.If x is greater than one, the graph will be a number line with every point greater than (but not including) 1 shaded.

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The graph of x = 5 is the vertical line which cuts the X-axis at 5. X> 5 is everything (i.e. the plane) to the right of this line.

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it will be an infinite region bounded by the lines x=2 and x=6

How do you graph x is less than or equal to 5?

On the number line put a colored in circle at 5. An arrow goes to the left from that and has an arrow point on the end of it

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Let x = the number Difference: 5 is less than a number: 5 < x 5 less than a number: x - 5 1234

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This can be written as -2 &lt; x &lt; 5. A graph of this interval is a straight line segment with a left side marked "-2", a right side marked "5", and some convention or note indicating that the interval is closed on the left side but open on the right. One possibility is: [________________). -2 ............................. 5

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5 is less than x can be written as 5 &lt; x and represents the set of all values of x such that 5 is less than x - or equivalently, all values of x that are greater than 5. This would comprise the part of that number line to the right of the number 5. 5 less than x is the expression x-5 and is the one value that is 5 units to the left of x on the number line.

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x2-2x = 15 x2-2x-15 = 0 (x-5)(x+3) = 0 Therefore: x = 5 or x = -3

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x &ge; -5

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let the no. be 'x' therefore, the expression of 5 less than a no. is, x-5

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graph x+4&lt;5