The third decimal is the thousandths. So 1.7955 = 1.796 to the nearest thousandth.
round off 25971 to the nearest ten thousandths
To the nearest ten thousandths, 0.2568 To the nearest thousandths, 0.257 To the nearest hundredths, 0.26 To the nearest tenths, 0.3
When you round 40.0099 to the nearest thousandths the result is 40.010
The third decimal is the thousandths. So 1.7955 = 1.796 to the nearest thousandth.
round off 25971 to the nearest ten thousandths
To the nearest ten thousandths, 0.2568 To the nearest thousandths, 0.257 To the nearest hundredths, 0.26 To the nearest tenths, 0.3
90% = 0.900 to the nearest thousandth.
When you round 40.0099 to the nearest thousandths the result is 40.010
45.0099 to the nearest thousandths = 45.010
It is: 35.193
To round 3.14159 to the nearest ten thousandths, we look at the digit in the fourth decimal place, which is 5. Since 5 is equal to or greater than 5, we round up the last digit in the ten thousandths place. Therefore, 3.14159 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths is 3.1416.
You do not, but you can add zeros to pad the decimal to show the hundred thousandths place.
It is already rounded to the nearest thousandths.
It is already rounded to the nearest thousandths.