32 cubic units.32 cubic units.32 cubic units.32 cubic units.
You can't convert that. You can convert linear units to linear units, square units to square units, or cubic units to cubic units.
33 = 27 cubic units
A rectangle has a perimeter with linear units, and a surface area with square units. It has no cubic units.
In. and three superscripted- small and upper right corner
32 cubic units.32 cubic units.32 cubic units.32 cubic units.
You can't convert that. You can convert linear units to linear units, square units to square units, or cubic units to cubic units.
Volume of a solid that is measured by cubic units
33 = 27 cubic units
A rectangle has a perimeter with linear units, and a surface area with square units. It has no cubic units.
No, volume is measured in cubic units, area is measured in square units.
Area is measured in square units. Volume is measured in cubic units.
In. and three superscripted- small and upper right corner
no, cubic units are for three dimensional figures, hence cubic = 3 they are measured in square units, as they have only two dimensions.
A total volume of 18 cubic units.
There are no cubic inches in an inch. Cubic inches are units of volume and inches are units of length.