The abbreviation for kilograms is just kg although a lot of writers use kgs but this is unnecessary.but thanks for asking o wait this is hahahaHA.
How do you abbreviate the word "Judge"?
too abbreviate squaring you do this 2 eg. 20ft2
The word abbreviate is a verb because it describes an action.
We will abbreviate the names of all the states when we write the essays.
The noun forms for the verb to abbreviate are abbreviation and the gerund, abbreviating.
i abbreviate it as advs. You could also abbreviate it as adv.
How do you abbreviate challenges
how do I abbreviate municiply
how do i abbreviate janitorial
In medical terms you can abbreviate it to "Tx" like you abbreviate History to "Hx"
You cannot abbreviate the number.
how do you abbreviate the word "controlled"?
How do you abbreviate the word "Judge"?
Grmny. That is how I abbreviate it on text. =]
You don't abbreviate the word.
how do you abbreviate strategic
You can abbreviate migration as "mig." or "migr."