in the USA, most commonly, K
as in 10,000 can be abbreviated 10K (an often used abbreviation when discussing a running event)
the financial press by the way often uses M and B for million and billion
Thousand is abbreviated as K.
You cannot abbreviate the number.
1k 2k 365k so on and so forth (alternate answer) There is more than one way to abbreviate one thousand. In scientific notation it is 103. By referring to Roman numerals, we can abbreviate it as M. By referring to the metric system, we can abbreviate it as kilo or even k.
Serious has no recognised abbreviation in general English
One way is to do 20 mil, but that might confuse people into thinking 20 thousand.
We do in the U.S. 1,000 = 1K
Thousand is abbreviated as K.
You don't abbreviate SCENARIO
750 thousand or 750K.
You cannot abbreviate the number.
1k 2k 365k so on and so forth (alternate answer) There is more than one way to abbreviate one thousand. In scientific notation it is 103. By referring to Roman numerals, we can abbreviate it as M. By referring to the metric system, we can abbreviate it as kilo or even k.
CRO in English HRV in Croatian
ex. for example in English 'e.g.' short for the latin, 'exempli gratia'.