An improper fraction is which something you can't reduce anymore. A mixed fraction is a fraction where you can multiply the denominator by the whole number and add the numerator, ex. 4 and 1 half multiply 4 and 2 which is 8 and add 1 which is 10, so you now know that 4 and 1 half is the same as 10.
To write the improper fraction for 2 and a half (2 1/2) you would multiply 2 by your denominator (giving you 4) then add it to the numerator (1) to get 5/2, or 5 over 2.
Just the fraction, 1/2. Or, you could subtract 1/2 from 1, or add 1/2 to 0. It's pretty easy.
seven and eight tenths. you have to change one half to five tenths and then add the whole numbers and then the fraction
Half of 1 as a fraction is 1/2
1/2 + 1/2 = 2/2 = 1/1 = 1
An improper fraction is which something you can't reduce anymore. A mixed fraction is a fraction where you can multiply the denominator by the whole number and add the numerator, ex. 4 and 1 half multiply 4 and 2 which is 8 and add 1 which is 10, so you now know that 4 and 1 half is the same as 10.
Round the mixed fraction to half of whole.
One quarter (1/4) is the fraction that is half of one half (1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4).
To write the improper fraction for 2 and a half (2 1/2) you would multiply 2 by your denominator (giving you 4) then add it to the numerator (1) to get 5/2, or 5 over 2.
There is no possible answer. For any given fraction, half that fraction is another fraction and it will be closer to 0. And then half of that will be closer still, and then half of that ... . Hope you get the idea.
0.62 and a half as a fraction is 5/8.
1 over 2 is a half as a fraction
Just the fraction, 1/2. Or, you could subtract 1/2 from 1, or add 1/2 to 0. It's pretty easy.
seven and eight tenths. you have to change one half to five tenths and then add the whole numbers and then the fraction
There is no such fraction, since given any fraction, half of that would be smaller still.There is no such fraction, since given any fraction, half of that would be smaller still.There is no such fraction, since given any fraction, half of that would be smaller still.There is no such fraction, since given any fraction, half of that would be smaller still.