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All you have to do is add a "Y" pipe or Call a plumber

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Q: How do you add a second toilet to an existing drain?
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Do you need a second main drain line if you add a second and third bathroom to both ends of the third floor of a home?

a home typically has a 4" main drain and that is enough. if it is not 4" you should get a plumbing code and do the math. Can you add a second 3-inch wasteline to an existing 3-inch main house wasteline in order to add the 3rd bath and toilet (this is obviously a 1950's house)?

Can you add a 3rd bath next to existing bath and share the drains with the new sink toilet tub which would be located in the same area on the other side of the wall?

Yes It just takes them a Little longer to drain in the unlikely event that they all drain at the same time.

How do you add extra venting to existing plumbing?

Cut into the existing drain where you feel it would help the most and run a vet to the outside, preferably to above the roof line. At the point furthest from the main drain.

How do you change 10 inch toilet rough in to 12 inch?

You cut the drain line and add a 2" section.

Is it difficult to add a second sink to a bathroom?

It is not excessively difficult to add a second sink. Make sure that there is enough room for the second sink. If you install the second sink next to the existing one, installing T-fittings to existing plumbing is a good idea.

Can you add a shower drain to a tub drain?

You can use the existing floor drain lines most likely you will have to cut the drain line or add to it to line up with the hole in the shower. tubs have drains on one end while most showers have it in the middle. You can buy a 30" by five foot base from Mustee. Nice product, comes in left or right hand drain.

Can a toilet be removed and the waste pipe be converted to a drain?

You could do that but you would need a trap to stop sewer gas from coming in. The toilet has the trap integrated into it. If you have access to underneath then you could add one.

Do they have to drain out a window?

Portable humidifiers do not require a window for drainage. They have a tank built into the unit that can be emptied when it is full. The tank can be by passed by running a hose to a drain. Add on systems to and existing air conditioning systems require a drain.

Kitchen sink gurgles when upstairs toilet is flushed?

You have a blockage in your main sewerline. You have a problem with your venting system. This is why some codes now require a vent within 6" of the toilet. If you will add a vvent to your main line at the toilet you will stop this. Check to make sure your vents are not clogged by a bird or bees nest first.

What is engine oil quantity of mercedes e220 cdi?

6.5 Liters total capacity but you can't drain all of it. Take out the old oil filter, then drain the existing oil. Put in the new filter, add 5.5 liters. Start the engine for a while and then add more if the computer asks for it.

Can a second hot water heater be added to existing water system to add hot water supply to the house?


How do you neutralize drain cleaner?

If it is an alkali drain cleaner, you can add acidic materials in the drain cleaner such as lemons, If it is an acidic drain (less common) cleaner, you can add alkali materials such as toothpaste, soap