If the fractions have the same denominator, add and subtract the numerators as if the denominators weren't there and put the result over that denominator. Reduce if possible.
If the fractions have different denominators, find the LCM of the denominators and convert the fractions to equivalent fractions with like denominators. Then add and subtract the numerators as if the denominators weren't there and put the result over that denominator. Reduce if possible.
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Make the fractions equivalent then subtract
no, to add and subtract like and unlike fractions the denominator has to be the same,
In fractions, you can NEVER add or subtract
Because you can't add or subtract fractions that have different denominators. Making them like fractions, by multiplying so the denominators are the same, you can add and/or subtract them.
it stay the same when you subtract fractions and when you add fractions.
You need a common denominator in order to add or subtract fractions.
Make the fractions equivalent then subtract
no, to add and subtract like and unlike fractions the denominator has to be the same,
In fractions, you can NEVER add or subtract
Because you can't add or subtract fractions that have different denominators. Making them like fractions, by multiplying so the denominators are the same, you can add and/or subtract them.
it is important to learn how to add and subtract fractions because we can use it when a time comes , when we have our own business and others .
Because to add fractions, the denominators must be equal.
In order to add or subtract fractions, they must have the same denominator.
The same as with positive ones. Make sure they have the same denominator and add or subtract their numerators.