The only decimals that are integers are ones such as 4.00000 or -5.00 or 100.0. If there is anything other than 0 after the decimal place it is NOT an integer. So to add them, just add the numbers to the left of the decimal place.
No, because integers are whole numbers
If there are any numbers which are integers and so do not have a decimal point, then append one at the extreme right. Then arrange all the numbers in a column, with their decimal points aligned. Ad up the numbers ignoring the decimal points entirely. In the answer insert a decimal point under the column of decimal points.
The basic idea is the same as when you estimate sums and differences of larger numbers (which may or may not be integers). You round the numbers to one or two decimal digits, then add them up.
It is important to add and subtract integers: to get a new integer value in mathematics .
Billions are integers and so there will be no decimal points or digits after it.
The decimal representation of an integer is exactly the same as the integer itself. Thus, the decimal representation on seventy three is 73 - nothing more nothing less. You do not need to add a decimal point or anything.
No, because integers are whole numbers
You write down the numbers you want to add and subtract, making sure the decimal points are aligned. Then, you add (or subtract) EXACTLY as you would add or subtract integers. The decimal point in the solution should be aligned with the decimal points in the original numbers.
no, integers are whole numbers and have no decimal points ; 1,2,3 etc. are integers but not 1.8, for example do not have any values after the decimal
If there are any numbers which are integers and so do not have a decimal point, then append one at the extreme right. Then arrange all the numbers in a column, with their decimal points aligned. Ad up the numbers ignoring the decimal points entirely. In the answer insert a decimal point under the column of decimal points.
Fractional u multiply and decimal u multiply and integers u minuse or add them
The basic idea is the same as when you estimate sums and differences of larger numbers (which may or may not be integers). You round the numbers to one or two decimal digits, then add them up.
It is a decimal because it is an integer and all [normal] integers are decimal numbers.
Add the magnitudes of the integers (-4 has a magnitude of 4), then take the sign to the answer.
It is important to add and subtract integers: to get a new integer value in mathematics .
Billions are integers and so there will be no decimal points or digits after it.