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Adding two numbers with different signs means subtracting the two absolute integers (without sign) and vice versa.

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Q: How do you add or subtract integers with a different sign?
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Related questions

What are the rules of addition?

If you mean integers, well if you have two integers of the same sign that you are adding, add and the sign stays the same. If you have different signs, subtract and keep the sign of the one that has more. Regular numbers you just add them.

How do you add two integers if the have different signs?

You subtract the smaller from the larger and give the answer the sign of the number with the larger absolute value.

How do you add 2 integers if there both the same sighn?

Add the numerals and keep the sign. Examples: +9 + +3 = +12 -5 + -6 = -11 Just in case this is your next question: to add integers with different signs, subtract the numerals, and use the sign of the larger number.

Why is it important to learn how to subtract and add with different integers?

Because otherwise you would only know how to subtract and add with the same integers. Not a particularly useful skill unless just those integers turned up!

Why is it important to add and subtract integers?

It is important to add and subtract integers: to get a new integer value in mathematics .

What is the rule for adding integer?

If the integers have the same sign (poitive or negative) you should add them together. If they have a different sign you subtract the numbers and the answer will take the sign of the number with the greatest absolute value (the number farthest from zero on a numberline) in the problem.

What do you get when you add a positive and negative number?

First, subtract the absolute values of the integers, then use the greater absolute value's sign.

What can you do with integers?

you can add subtract multiply and divide them.

What are the rules of adding integers?

if the signs are different then u put the larger sing down then u subtract if if the signs are the same then u put the same sign down then u add

What is the meaning of subtract integers?

to subtract an integer, add its opposite or additive inverse.

What are the two rules for adding integers?

If the signs are the same, add the absolute values and keep the sign. If the signs are different, subtract the lesser absolute value from the greater absolute value and keep the sign of the number with the greater absolute value.

How do i multiply integers with different signs?

Just multiply without the sign. Then add a minus sign to the result.