1/4+2/4 = 3/4 because the denominators are the same just add together the numerators
5 over 8 :)
1/4 + 1/4 = 1+1 / 4 = 2/4 = 1/2 The denominator, number on the bottom, is the same in each fraction, so you can easily add the fractions. You can think of this problem like this. You have one quarter (.25), add another quarter (.25) and you have a half dollar (.50)
there is only 1
7 and 1/4 is equivalent to 725%
do you mean (5+1)/4%x=42?
You can either add the fractional parts and, if required, convert the answer to a mixed fraction and then add the integer part to the integer parts of the two original numbers; or change both numbers to top-heavy (or improper) fractions, add them and then convert the answer to a mixed fraction.
The fraction will increase.