Typically if you are engaged in romantic or sexual activity as a man with a woman, saying another guy's name will not arouse the woman.
Not overly normal, but not so unheard of either.
once every 28 days for the rest of their life until menopause which occurs around mid-fifties range. this is an average woman.
Yes arouse is a verb.
Arouse is a verb.
Arouse is correct.
That depends on the woman. I think its best both discuss what is best in a mutually sace, comfortable way.
His behaviour begins to arouse suspicion.It doesn't take much to arouse a cat's curiosity.
they were not allowed to vote but black former-Slaver could and that anger WHITE women.
The singular of "fifties" is "fifty."
The plural of fifty is fifties. As in "the fifties were a good decade".
The noun forms of the verb to arouse are arousal and the gerund, arousing.