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show off what you think is awesome about you. be respectful when you do it though cuz he might see right through you when you do it but just show off your best feature or special talent or something like that!!!!

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Q: How do you attract a guys attention when he doesn't know you?
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When she never pays any attention to you, and hangs out with other guys and never looks at you at all. She will never talk to you (or at least only rarely).

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Ask him.

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if you are seeing a guy, then chances are he doesnt wanna know anything about your ex

How do you know he doesn't like you anymore?

You know when a boy doesnt like you anymore when..he doesnt pay attention to youignores your call / doesnt call you at alltexts / flirts with your friendsdoesnt go place with youdisowns you

Do guys like it if you bite them?

i dont know about most guys but my boyfriend doesnt. i bit this neck and asked me why? and i said does it not turn you on? and he said no

How do you get a guy to fancy you?

Let him know you fancy him, that always gets a guys attention, he will probably start to like the idea of you and start flirting. if he doesnt, then he just isn't attracted to you. Find out what he likes and start to do what he likes he will soon like you

How do you get a guys attention if he doesn't even know you are there?

well try (accidentaly) bumping into him and say sorry!!! or dress really cute maybe even get your hair done. No!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get your hair done for a guy! Haha guys are losers and its totally not worth the trouble because if he doesnt notice then you will probably be heart broken. Believe me I would know.

How do i know if a guy likes you if he flirts but doesnt chase after you?

most guys dont chase they wait

Is it OK to not try to get a guys attention anymore?

No Way! Most Men Need To Know You Like Them :)