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avoid doing unnecessary things that will bring problems to our environment
There are two syllables in the word avoid.
When you avoid a trapezoid, You get overjoyed, That is why you can't avoid a trapezoid
During an average 28 day cycle a woman is likely to be fertile between days 7-16 - ovulation typically occurs two weeks before menstruation (there may be a live egg present for up to 48 hours), and she is fertile up to a week before ovulation when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present. Unless a woman uses a birth control/conception method such as Fertility Awareness Method or Natural Family Planning there is no way for her to accurately determine when she is fertile, thus another birth control method should always be used in order to avoid unintended pregnancy.
A floating shelf is a form of shelf designed so as to avoid showing any unsightly brackets, appearing as though it is "floating" on the wall.
to avoid floating pins ...........so as to avoid rail to rail current
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The method that you can use to avoid this error would depend on the type of error and the type of programming language that you are using. You can use debugging to tool to avoid errors.
It is said that one can avoid pregnancy with the natural method, which is breastfeeding. A nursing mother would have to be breastfeeding exclusively for this method of contraception to work.
halo error
by using the dry compression method for tablets to avoid the moisture present in the tablets
It is used to avoid common problems that occur in the absence of using the scientific method.
Don't have sex.
The neutral of a generator should never get into a condition where is is floating. All generators have the neutral tied to the frame of the generator set. It comes this way from the manufacturer. If it is floating then someone has disconnected the neutral wire from the frame. Just reconnect the neutral to the generator frame again to stop it from floating. Larger generators should also have a ground rod connected to the generator frame for grounding purposes.
Staying healthy is the best way to avoid becoming unhealthy. The traditional method seems to still be the best; diet and exercise.