go to ski village and click the tours here sign. You will be given a test if your penguin is old enough. Pass = tour guide!
You should know yourself.
that is the perfect swing speed for the standard stiff shafted club. try the dynamic gold s300 shaft or the project x 5.5 or 6. the kbs tour stiff is good as well.
group inclusive tour
17 he said in his room tour
by requesting a tour though the official website.
no only agent and tour gide
You put on your tour gide hat and no other clothing. Then wave.
You become a tour guide by taking a quiz at the Club Penguin Tour stand. You have to be a few days old I think...
Simply go to the Tour Guide Booth in the Ski Village and take the test. You will receieve your Tour Guide Hat if you pass. Congratulations!
You have to become a tour guide and and wave with the hat on your head
You have to be a club penguin member for 30-60 days, and then go to the tour guide area and sign up to become a tour guide. You do not run the tour by yourself. It is entirely automated.
There is a tour booth were you have to take a test. if you pass the test you get a tour guide hat!
You cannot become a newspaper writer in club penguin only a tour guide
You get a real job and you stop playing club penguin
you have to be 45 days old to be a club penguin tour guide
4, if you are taking the quiz to become a tour guide.
A tour guide helps out new members of club penguin. They show them around and help them out with any question that they have.