The decimal for 1.3 is exactly that, 1.3. You cannot break a whole number down into a decimal. A fraction is possible to make out of this though. The fraction would be 1 1/3.
034 is less than 75.
42/100 - This is in fraction and if you break this then you get 0.42
Dividing by a fraction is equivalent to multiplying by its reciprocal. A reciprocal fraction is effectively "turning it upside-down". So, to divide by a faction, you should do as stated; turn the fraction upside-down and multiply.
034 is an integer, not a fraction and it makes little sense to convert it to a fraction. However, if you must, it is simply 034/1 = 34/1.
You divide the top by the bottom
A fraction in simplest form is when you break down the fraction or divide it as far as you can without using the number 1 to divide it.
Yes. How about 11/50 (11 over 50 )
The decimal for 1.3 is exactly that, 1.3. You cannot break a whole number down into a decimal. A fraction is possible to make out of this though. The fraction would be 1 1/3.
034 is less than 75.
by breaking it down if 8 16 was your fraction then you would break it down to 4 8 because that is what is half of those to numbers, then to 2 4, and then to 1 2. but when both of the numbers or even one of them cant keep breaking down then that's a simplified as it can get. GOOD LUCK
42/100 - This is in fraction and if you break this then you get 0.42
no they do not break down
Cartilage is the soft bone in i.e. your ears and nose. A break in this bone is a fraction.